“Bright Lights Big City” 48×36 acrylic in canvas
When I heard that the Red Head Gallery‘s theme for Nuit Blanche this year was “Bright Lights at Night” I just new I had to submit a painting. In fact any painting from my aerial series would have fit perfectly with this theme as they depict city lights as viewed from high above from an airplane. I chose to submit “Bright Lights Big City” a somewhat abstracted view of Toronto from above.
We had been away the past week on a trip to the west coast and we flew home just in time for Nuit Blanche. Luckily we are close to Red Head Gallery which is in the 401 Richmond building, and walked over to see the show and take a few pics.
The Gallery looked great with work from various artists all in the theme of “Bright Lights at Night” A perfect interpretation of Nuit Blanche.
When I went the day after to pick up my painting I was told that the turnout was fabulous at just about 4000 ‘nuit blanchers’ passing through. A great night for all.
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